Supporting Victims of Crime Across County Durham & Darlington

Our support is available to anyone living in County Durham or Darlington who has been affected by a crime regardless of when or where that crime occurred.

If you are a resident within the Cleveland Police area please contact 03030401099 or email

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Provided by the Durham Police & Crime Commissioner

Services We Offer

Support is free & confidential and is tailored to meet the individual needs of a victim or witness. The crime does not need to have been reported to the police.

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Support for victims

Our service specialises in providing practical and emotional support for anyone who has been affected by crime helping them cope, recover, and thrive.

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Help with reporting

We can help you understand what happens when you decide to report a crime to the police

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Support within court

We can provide you with support if your case is being heard at court or if you are asked to attend court to give evidence

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Restorative justice

Our service has specialist staff who can talk to you about Restorative Justice and can support you if you decide to participate in a Restorative Justice approach.

Make a referral

Refer into us either as a self referral or professional referral

We are a free, confidential service and our friendly team will be able to offer you practical or emotional support to help you move forward with your life. This includes helping to explain your rights. Professional Services can refer people to us using the Professional Referral form.

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The team

Our team will be there to support you throughout

At the Victim Care and Advice Service, we know our core strength lies in having a strong, and creative team of professionals from many different work and personal backgrounds.

Frequently asked questions

Help With Reporting

Do you tell the police everything we discuss?

We promise that all information you provide to us ‐ verbally or in writing ‐ will be kept confidential within the Victim Care and Advice Service. This information will not be shared externally unless you expressly instruct us to do so or unless we are required to under law.

We will take our time to establish the best way to communicate with you; for example, which email address, phone number or other contact method you want us to use. We will take any other steps that you need us to take to protect your privacy

Help With Reporting

I don’t want to report this to police, can I still get support?

Yes, you can still receive our support

Victim Support

I work Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Can I be offered support outside of these hours?

We can make arrangements to support you at a time that is convenient to you.


If I have been a victim of crime do I have to report that crime to the police?

You are not legally bound to report your crime to the police however, investigating crimes, catching criminals and protecting the community is the police’s main job, but they also help victims and witnesses of crime.

Even if you do not report a crime as the victim, someone who saw what happened might do, so it’s likely that you will have to talk to police after a crime.


Is there a cost to the service?

There is no cost, the service is free and confidential

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Any Questions

If you have any questions about our services please do not hesitate to contact us